Meditations on Scripture inspired by our experience as an adoptive family.

May these words of my mouth
and this meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19: 14

Monday, May 18, 2015

Ten Years Old

To commemorate my son Dylan´s tenth birthday, I would like to compile a selection of Dylan-inspired posts I've been writing through the years.  It is not only his tenth birthday, but it is his tenth birthday celebrated here with us as part of our family.

Dylan came to be our son from Guatemala on a beautiful September 15th in 2006, which meant that he was able to spend his very first birthday with us the following October 22nd.

Needless to say, it has been a wild ride.  At times it's been smooth and seamless.  Often, though, it's been rocky, windy and totally unexpected.  Above all, however, it has been a journey marked by the loving guidance of the Holy Spirit and by the big bright smile of a little boy.

Most of the stories are sprinkled with laughter and innocence.  Dylan has a way to turn the ordinary into something extraordinary.  But the anecdotes are also an illustration of the path we have followed to discover God's will for us as an adopted family.  And it is a very special path since Dylan has a very unconventional way of learning...therefore, his journey makes ours the more unique.

Dylan’s journey to learning reminds me of my own walk with the Lord.  There is no way I can do it alone.  I need the constant guidance and wisdom of teachers, pastors, matured brothers and sisters in Christ and above all, the Holy Spirit in order to continue to grow in my faith.  It is a never-ending road, and I am thankful for how Our Great God helps me along the way.  At times, however, like Dylan, The Holy Spirit allows me moments of discovery derived straight from discernment given directly to me by Him.  They usually happen when I am paying attention, concentrated on seeking Him and listening to His whispering, because if I’m distracted I usually miss the insight and lose the lesson.  

I hope my accounts of my years with Dylan speak to you in any way.  Most of all, I pray you can explore your own story as you see the hand of the Most High holding you all along your own way.

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