Meditations on Scripture inspired by our experience as an adoptive family.

May these words of my mouth
and this meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19: 14

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Journey to Surrender III

My Moment with God

Before the FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) process began, I experienced a moment with God.  I was driving back home from some errands, and something moved me to begin a chat with my Lord.  I said something like, “Lord, it is in your hands, whatever the result is, I will be OK because your will must be done…I want to have a child more than I want anything else in the entire world…but I’m going to trust your will…as far as adopting a child…I promise I will do whatever it is in my hands to adopt a child even if I do get pregnant and have a biological child…I promise I will do all I can to pursue adoption no matter what.”  And that was it.   That was the moment when my faith walk finally turned the corner toward the narrow gate that leads to the straight path.  (Matthew 7:13)

As it happened, Dan had had his own moment with the Lord also.  Perhaps someday he’ll elaborate on it.  But the truth is that the day of the procedure, we drove our old, beat up white Nissan Altima to the infertility clinic, found a spot in the parking lot, and before we climbed out, we held hands and prayed.  I don’t remember what we said to God and to ourselves.  All I remember is that we prayed in earnest.  And we walked into that clinic under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

I remember the embryologist coming to us after the procedure was complete, saying:  “well…the one embryo didn’t look too good, and the other one…I don’t know…but they are back in you, let’s see now what happens.”  It was out of everyone’s hands completely…it was in God’s hands alone…we’ve finally realized it.  Jesus was at the wheel.  It was not going to be by the miracle of science or by the knowledge of the physicians or by the power of money that we would get the desired outcome.  It was going to be only by the power of the Most High in accordance to His perfect will.  God uses science, and leads the hands of doctors and provides the means when the attempt follows His purpose.  Our job is just to trust, obey and wait.

And waited we did.  Once again, we waited for a phone call and a somber voice to announce yet another failure.  This time, however, the phone rang and on the other end we heard the very excited voice of a nurse telling us that we were pregnant. 

The exhilaration of the moment was matched only by the knowledge that My God is good and He is good all the time.  In His goodness, He taught me and continues to teach me that anxiety, worry and fear come from the devil who is trying to take hold of me through the areas that I haven’t fully surrendered to Christ.  But My Lord has also taught me that I have weapons to fight the attacks of the enemy.  He has given me and all who believe in Him the powerful weapon of His Word.  Diving into Scripture and memorizing short verses has become my greatest source of strength and my very best weapon against the enemy because those verses come to me like sharp double-edged swords, right when I need them. 

It is amazing, but it is true.  I remember going for tests during my pregnancy and feeling the cold chills of fear down my spine.  At moments, I would be overcome by questions like, “Is the baby OK?  Is this pregnancy really going well?  Are we really going to be able to have this baby?  Am I going to be a decent mother?”  But then, at those moments of fear, I also felt the words of God whispering in my ears… “be still and know that I am God…”(Psalm 46:10)  “The Lord is my refuge and my strength…” (Psalm 46:1)  “cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you,” (psalm 55:22) or “I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me…” for like Paul said, “This is the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, in plenty or in want, in health and in illness.”  (Philippians 4:12-13) 

He provides His Word to be used as a sword to fight the attacks of the devil, but it is up to us to use it.  I heard someone said that the Bible is not really a sword, but the armory.  This armory is full of swords, but we have to open it.  It won’t do us any good if it is closed.  The Lord has also provided other sources of strength and empowerment in Him.  He has given me the gift of discovering Christian music.  Ever since I became a Christian-music-only person, there is not a day that goes by without God not showering me with His blessings through the lyrics of the songs that He has inspired. 

This was how, Praise the Lord, 9 months later, after my very own moment with my Lord that we had Grant.  This was how, after this very encounter with the Living God, that His Holy Spirit guided us to yet another amazing journey, the journey to adoption.  It would not be for another 4 years until we would bring our son Dylan home from Guatemala, but each day had its purpose.  Today, we are immersed in the miracle of parenting these two boys our Merciful God has graciously placed under our care.  Not a day goes by that I don’t praise Him for the opportunity to be part of His will, which, if at times I don’t really understand or even like, it is always perfect and eternal. 

Bible Verse to Ponder in Anticipation to the Next Entry of A Journey to Surrender:  

   Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.    
                                   Psalm 126: 5

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